Data about the industry

The agricultural sector in Spain

26 - 28 November 2024 | Málaga - FYCMA

An industry ready for the digital transformation

We are at the dawn of a profound technological revolution. The internet and new information and communication technologies have become key tools for transforming virtually all business models. The agri-food industry, from its origins in animal cultivation or production to processing, packaging, labelling, maintenance, and logistics processes, can harness innovation to improve its competitiveness.

Food, in its constant evolution, is acquiring increasing significance.

It’s not just about ensuring supply to a growing global population; it’s also crucial to do so with the highest guarantees of traceability, safety, and environmental respect.

According to the UN, we are faced with the need to increase food production by 70% to meet future demand. At the same time, we are confronted with climate change, which could potentially reduce our agricultural production by 80%.

Production systems have advanced rapidly in recent years. Thanks to the new technologies of Industry 4.0, we are facing the greatest transformation in the history of the food industry: Industry 4.0 and smart agriculture.

Spain is the fourth-largest market in terms of the number of agricultural holdings in Europe.

In terms of animal production, Spain ranks sixth in Europe, with sheep and pig production being particularly important.